Have you ever heard of Multi-Mold Pellets? At first glance the pellets look like rock salt. But, they are actually small plastic pellets that become malleable when heated in hot water (140 -170 degrees F) They can be used to make molds, reverse molds of texture plates, doming forms, and more!
To warm, place a small amount of pellets into a stainless steel strainer
and then place in a pan of hot water. When they become clear they are
ready to mold.
Pellets in pan of hot water |
Pellets are ready to mold |
Forming a shape with my fingers |
New handle |
File with no handle |
Here, I formed a handle for my flat file. Once you form your desired
shape, allow the plastic to air-cool before using. The plastic turns
opaque and hard once cool. If you want to re-use or re-shape, just heat
again until clear and re-shape.
For more tips on using this great product, go to the mold-making section PMC Connection's website.